That's the full moon about a half-hour before sunrise... and if you look near the top of the photo, that little white dot cupped by the wisp of cloud; that's mars.
The moon is a mere 238,900 miles from us; about 24 times around the earth... not that far.
Mars is 29,438 million miles from earth; about 1.17 million times around the earth. It takes 22 minutes for the reflected light of mars to reach us. So in effect, when you see mars, you are looking 22 minutes into the past.
But if you consider, we are just a small dot, a mere planet in orbit around our sun, a star, which is one of about 100 thousand-million stars in our galaxy, the Milky Way, which is one of an estimated 200 billion galaxies in our universe.
And if you've the mind for it, as far as is scientifically known, the universe continues without end. Imagine that! Now, if legendary Chuck Norris is so impressive, his tongue-in-cheek followers said that he once counted to infinity... twice, and we can believe one or the other, I go for universe without end.
I would say that is BIG!
Now, about small: Scientific research shows that the human body has 37.2 trillion cells, most invisible but within the makeup of the body cells we can microscopically see. And (to match that Chuck Norris thing), it is ecclesiastically told to awe little kids, an infinite number of angels can fit on the head of a pin. If we can believe one or the other, I'll take the 37.2 trillion human body cells... because look what that has produced; every one of us now, then and forever, with all of our miraculous features and abilities.
Since God has done all of this for us, how come we humans have seemed to mess it up to where we are today? It is because we have been blessed with free will! God has given us creatures free will to exist and go and do as his creatures in his world. Sadly, we haven't always done that well. Everlasting wars and conflict for sure, meanness and racism and intolerance and are human made... and give us room to do better, I suspect.
Did Adam and Eve do all that? Maybe Eden should have been in Indianapolis. (Indian-Apple-less--get it?)
It all comes down to what you believe... but no one has any better understanding as to how all of these miraculous happenings have come to pass. It is unfathomable to believe this started from nothing. We can hardly fathom the miracle of a tree (see below) let alone everything and us.
Disclaimer: If you've read this far, you know where I stand and that not everyone in the world believes this or that. Some think the world is flat. Some believe there is no God. Some have different rites that focus on an alternative deity. Some believe science... or not. That really doesn't alter the facts: We, and all else exist, so there!
Personally, thank you God. (And to the infinite number of angles, forgive me for not choosing you.)
Bonus poem: