Thursday, June 7, 2012

I shrewdly stayed out of the market...

Smartly chose NOT to buy IBM, Apple, Google, and a few other flash-in-the-pans. Too clever for that. I was waiting for the big one.

So call me a tycoon if you wish, (or a greater fool) I swam ahead of the tidal wave to buy one gazillion shares of Facebook... which is, so far, only a tad in the red (translation: an arm and a leg). But who couldn't be happier for Mark and Mindy... er, I mean Priscilla. If he can smile after loosing $6 billion (it would take the average person years to earn that much) then who am I to complain?  He can always fall back on Priscilla's income. She's a doctor, you know.

Always did say, "Buy high, sell low"... or is it the other way around? Us dyslexics thank our lucky rats and praise doG for being able to get it right. And thanks to Wiley Miller, creator of the Non Sequitur comic strip, for validating my retirement strategy... and offering more fun here.

                                                                  (Sign says "Take Advantage of my IPO!")

PS: The good news for all who bought Facebook... it probably will turn out great because I lied... I really didn't buy... just loved the cartoon... which means, you are golden because I'm what you call a negative indicator... my record of getting it wrong is near 100 %.

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